姓 名 王继刚 性 别
民 族 汉族 导师层次 博士导师
技术职称 教授 导师类型 学术型
最后学历 博士研究生毕业 最后学位 理学博士学位
行政职务 副主任 Email jgwang@icmm.ac.cn
工作单位 药学院 邮政编码 510515


王继刚教授主要研究抗癌抗疟药物机理,临床药物新适应症开发、单细胞测序技术以及基于质谱等多种组学的精准医学分析研究,带领团队结合化学生物学、蛋白质组学(生物质谱)、代谢组学以及分子生物学等相关交叉领域的研究方法、围绕中药有效成分的作用靶点及其作用机制展开系统研究,进行疾病与治疗标志物精准鉴定,开展药物机理研究及新药开发。2018年入选中组部“国家海外高层次人才引进计划”创新长期项目,承担国家中医药管理局中医药传承创新团队项目、国家重点研发计划国自然面上项目国家科技部重大专项重大新药创制子任务、国家重点研发计划合成生物学重点专项子任务国自然应急管理类项目等国家级和省部级项目共计10余项;近5年以通讯作者/第一作者在国际高水平期刊发表论文累积140余篇,其中影响因子>10.0的论文80余篇,包括New England Journal of Medicine2篇)Lancet3篇)Lancet Infectious Disease2篇)Nature Communications、Nature Protocols、JACS、Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed.2篇)ACS Nano、ACS Central Science、Autophagy8篇)Trends in Pharmacological Sciences、Pharmacology & Therapeutics2篇)Medicinal Research Reviews4篇)STTT、Theranostics等国际高水平期刊,近期基于单细胞测序技术研究肿瘤微环境和潜在靶点的最新研究成果分别发表在Pharmacol Ther(IF=10.5)Signal Transduct Target Ther(IF=13.5)等期刊;申请发明专利20余项,其中9项已授权;受出版社Methods in Enzymology邀请参与撰写英文专著2部;任国际知名学术期刊Pharmacology & Therapeutics、Medicinal Research Reviews客座编辑及Med. Res. Rev.Drug Discovery Today, J. Phys. Chem., ACS Infect Dis的编委或审稿人。









1. Wang JG, Xu CC, Wong YK, He YK, Adegnika AA, Kremsner PG, Agnandji ST, Sall AA, Liang Z, Qiu C, Liao FL, Jiang TL. Krishna S, Tu Youyou*. (2020) Preparedness is essential for malaria-endemic regions during the COVID-19 outbreak. Lancet. 395, 1094-1096. (IF:202.73)

2. Wang JG, Xu CC, Wong YK, Liao FL, Jiang TL, Tu Youyou*. (2020) Malaria eradication. Lancet. 395, e69.(IF:202.73)

3. Wang JG, Xu CC, Wong YK, Ma N, Liao FL, Jiang FL, Tu Youyou*.(2020) Triple artemisinin-based combination therapies for malaria: proceed with caution. Lancet. 396, 1976. (IF:202.73)

4. Wang JG*, Xu CC*, Liao FL, Jiang TL, Sanjeev K*, Tu Youyou. (2019) A Temporising Solution to "Artemisinin Resistance". New England Journal of Medicine. 380:2087-2089 (Corresponding author) (IF: 176.08)

5. Xu CC, Wong YK, Liao FL, Jiang TL, Wang JG*, Tu Youyou. (2022) Is triple artemisininbased combination therapy necessary for uncomplicated malaria? Lancet Infectious Disease. 22(5):585-586 *(Corresponding author). (IF: 71.42)

6. Wang JG, Xu CC, Liao FL, Jiang TL, Sanjeev K, Tu Youyou*. (2019) Suboptimal dosing triggers artemisinin partner drug resistance. Lancet Infectious Disease.19,1167-1168. (IF:71.42)

7. Chen X#, Wang Y#, Ma N#, Tian J, Shao Y, Zhu B, Wong YK, Liang Z*, Zou C*, Wang JG*. (2020) Target identification of natural medicine with chemical proteomics approach: probe synthesis, target fishing and protein identification. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 5(1),72. *(Corresponding author) (IF:38.1)

8. Luo P#, Zhang Q#, Zhong TY#, Chen JY, Zhang JZ, Tian Y, Yang F, Dai LY, Zheng LH, Zou C, Li ZJ*, Liu JH*, Wang JG*. (2022) Celastrol mitigates inflammation in sepsis by inhibiting the PKM2-dependent Warburg effect. Military Medical Research. 9(1):22. *(Corresponding author). (IF:34.92)

9. Luo P#, Liu DD#, Zhang Q#, Yang F#, Wong YK, Xia F, Zhang JZ, Chen JY, Tian Y, Yang CB, Dai LY*, Shen HM*, Wang JG*. (2022) Celastrol induces ferroptosis in activated HSCs to ameliorate hepatic fibrosis via targeting peroxiredoxins and HO-1. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. 12(5):2300-2314. *(Corresponding author) (IF:14.9)

10. Zhang W#, Xu CC#, Sun JC#, Shen HM*, Wang JG*, Yang CB*. (2022). Impairment of the autophagy–lysosomal pathway in Alzheimer's diseases: Pathogenic mechanisms and therapeutic potential. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. 12(3):1019-1040. *(Corresponding author) (IF:14.903)

11. Meng YQ#, Chen JY#, Liu YQ, Zhu YP, Wong YK, Lyu HN, Shi QL, Xia F, Gu LW, Zhang XW, Gao P, Tang H, Guo QY, Qiu C, Xu CC, He X, Zhang JZ*, Wang JG*. (2022) A highly efficient protein corona-based proteomic analysis strategy for the discovery of pharmacodynamic biomarkers. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis. 12, 879-888. (*Corresponding author) (IF:14.03).

12. Shen SN#, Liao QW#, Lyu M#, Wong YK, Zhang X, Zhou J*, Ma N*, Wang JG*. (2020) The potential of artemisinins as anti-obesity agents via modulating the immune system. Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 216,107696. (IF:13.4)

13.Yang CB#*, Xia SY#, Zhang W#, Shen HM*, Wang JG*. (2023) Modulation of Atg genes expression in aged rat liver, brain, and kidney by caloric restriction analyzed via single-nucleus/cell RNA sequencing. Autophagy. 19, 706715 *(Corresponding author) (IF: 13.4)

14. Yang J#, He YK#, Li YB#,  Zhang X#, Wong YK, Shen SN,Zhong TY*, Zhang JB, Liu Q*, Wang JG*. (2020) Advances in the research on the targets of anti-malaria actions of artemisinin. Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 216, 107697. (Corresponding author) (IF:13.4)

15. Meng YQ, Ma N, Zhu YP, Gao P, Wong YK, Xu CC, Wang JG*. (2019) Recent pharmacological advances in the repurposing of artemisinin drugs. Medicinal Research Reviews, DOI: 10.1002/med.21837. *(Corresponding author) (IF: 11.6) (Cover story of the issue)